1st International Digital Storytelling Festival (DST-Zakynthos 2023)
1st International Digital Storytelling Festival (DST-Zakynthos 2023)
The Greek Island of Zakynthos (Zante) constitutes a spot in time and space where the convergence of diverse sociocultural narratives takes place: Hugo Foscolos, Andreas Vesalius, Dionysios Solomos, are amongst the island's most notable cultural figures.
With that in mind, four Laboratories from three Greek Universities (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University of the Aegean, Ionian University) have collaborated to organise the biannual International Digital Storytelling Festival (DST-Zakynthos) to provide the place where diverse digital stories can be communicated, shared, and critically reflected upon by experts (artists, scientists, medical doctors etc.) and by other Festival participants (DST creators or not). In this sense, the Festival puts the narratives in the spotlight, thus allowing us to map current trends in Digital Storytelling.
The "Foskolos" multi-purpose hall kindly offered to host the Festival. We invite you to support and join the organisation of this festival, which is scheduled for 29-30 September & 1 October 2023.
For more information, please visit: https://dstfestival.org/
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