Τετάρτη, 03 Απριλίου 2019 20:43

5th Animation Marathon 2019: Submission Period is ON!

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5th Animation Marathon 2019: Submission Period is ON!

5th Animation Marathon 2019: Submission Period is ON! 

The Animation Marathon aims to become a forum of artists from Greece and abroad, related to animation and audiovisual arts in general, that will explore and expand the boundaries both in the field of animation and of various forms of visual arts.

5th Animation Marathon will take place at the city of Athens (Greece) from
21st until 24th of November 2019.

Submission Deadline: September 30th 2019 

The submission period of Animation Marathon 2019 is on!

Submit your film following the next link: https://animationmarathon.eu/2019/en/registration

Please read carefully the terms and rules before submitting.

The Animation Marathon aims to become a forum of artists from Greece and abroad, related to animation and audiovisual arts in general, that will explore and expand the boundaries both in the field of animation and of various forms of visual arts.

5th Animation Marathon will take place at the city of Athens (Greece) from
21st until 24th of November 2019.

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