Diasporic Literature - Issue 2015

Νέα προθεσμία υποβολής έργων, 16 Ιανουαρίου 2015!


Dear Writer,

"Diasporic Literature" has been making inroads into the new realm of publishing literary magazines and collective pieces of art, for the past 5 years. This has been achieved by uniting writers in three different languages over a number of countries around the world. It has been achieved by adding established painters recognised the world over in its pages. It has been achieved by attaching background music written specifically for its editions to the promotion of literature and the arts. It has also been achieved by recognising matters concerning the world we live in, as defined by the United Nations.

​​We are proud of how far we have come in only 5 years and wish to continue on this road of unity through literature and the arts, through literature for a common goal and theme irrespective of language or culture.

So far we have enough works submitted to the magazine for its next publication that we're going to again be publishing it in 2015. Here's your chance to take part and be read the world over. There are no barriers to where your work will reach.

​​In order to assist ​everyone​ to put ​thei​r thoughts together and participate, we have decided to extend the end of 2014 submission expiry date to ​Jan 16th, 2015. Send your submissions in ​English, Spanish or Greek​, photographs, paintings, music​ now in order to be included in the next edition about the importance of light. The significance of light can be expressed in so many different ways... only ​artist​s know how.​..​

